Chinese show of young idol net Live fresh catch cobra Finally sprayed poison on the eyes.


Young Chinese idol show Live fresh catch cobra Finally sprayed poison on the eyes. WASHINGTON (REUTERS) – The 19-year-old Chinese Internet user participated in the show. But after 20 minutes live, unexpected incident. The snake was attacked, sprayed the poison to the maximum. I have to go by taxi to the rush to the hospital

. The event was held on June 18, 2009. Xiao Juan is a province of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, south of China. He would go up to his cell phone, capture snakes, introduce a special kind as well as first aid if the snake bit. He has more than one hundred thousand fans.

Even a mistake in live that day. He was caught by a cobra that introduced the poison to the right eye. I am crying with shock. Before pushing the spike into the bag and quickly use the eye wash.

But the pain remains. He had to stop the live and call his friend for help. The friend called a cab to take her to the hospital with a commute time of only 7-8 minutes and thankfully to reach the doctor on time. He is not serious.

It was reported that Xiao Juan Live from March 2016 and celebrated with many fans in no time. And before that, he was snake bite twice like a snake tail biting into his wrist. And Cobra bites his ankle. He did not go to the hospital but managed to suck him. Which shocked the internet users.

Xiao Huan said. He was afraid of snakes since childhood. Whenever I see a snake in a field, I'm afraid to tremble. I can not even walk up to 17 years with a friend who specializes in snakes. Do it gradually Eliminate the fear of the snake itself after seeing them on a regular basis. It's like they were alive and living on the snake.

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