Chippewa – Antoine Wow! James – focus on the police spirit.


Sweet love lovers boxer couple "Antoine Pinto" with a sweet heroine. "Chippy – Sirin" challenges the duo Mung Mung. Focus – Jeerugul and James – Kicks to find 5 real couples hidden in the puzzle box Couple or not? Where are you? This work does not belong to anyone. The soul of Conan as a detective, Antoine and Chippy said, "Let's think about it and share it. The game does not really look at him. Some people do not seem to be together. He is back together. Well, we got it! Our competitors James and Focus are not afraid. We'll be better (laughs), we'll take our love. Finding couples on the show (embarrassed) encourages us with "Which pair is cooler than watching in the program" Couple or not? It's the first time I see this movie.
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