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Strengthen immunity With food easy to find near

Immune system Acts to protect your body against pathogenic microorganisms But if the immune system is weak The body can not fight against various infections, which facilitates the disease. Scientific research suggests that we can enhance immunity in different ways. And eat certain types of food Is it one of the ways that can can boost the immune system easily and it's information about it

How is the immune system important for the body?

The immune system consists of special cells, proteins, tissues and organs, which protect the body from germs and microorganisms. And plays an important role in body health and infection prevention But sometimes, problems with the immune system can lead to disease and infection

Some foods can strengthen the immune system. If you are looking for ways to prevent the flu or avoid discomfort during the change of weather You can start with dietary adjustments. By eating certain foods To strengthen the immune system

Foods that enhance immunity

1. sour fruit

Most people eat vitamin C after having the flu. Because vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system In addition, vitamin C can increase the production of white blood cells, important factor in the fight against the infection. And the popular sour fruits include


Because the body can not produce or store vitamin C To stay healthy, it is necessary that meals contain vitamin C. And most acidic fruits are rich in vitamin C. Therefore, can add fruits acids in the meal

Block 2.Coli

Koli blocks are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, and are also rich in antioxidants and fiber. Therefore considered one of the vegetables useful and good for the body's immune system The suggestion is that when cooking, such as sauteed with choline chunks of fresh shrimp should reduce the amount of oil and sugar for health

3. garlic

Data from the National Complementary and Integrative Health Center have revealed that garlic can help lower blood pressure and slow blood clotting In addition, the immune system of garlic This seems to come from sulfur compounds. With high concentrations such as alinsine

4. Ginger

Ginger is a recommended food for the sick. Because ginger can help reduce inflammation that can help reduce sore throats and other inflammatory diseases In addition, ginger can also help reduce dizziness. If you want to strengthen the immune system Including restoring the body after your illness Recommended to drink hot ginger juice Or eat a ginger extract is another option

5. spinach

Spinach is rich in vitamin C. It is also rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene. This can help increase the capacity of the immune system In the fight against infection More than that, spinach is like a block of broccoli. This should be cooked to a minimum to preserve nutrients in spinach

6. Yogurt

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt Helps boost the immune system So the body can fight against various diseases because yogurt is rich in vitamin D. Should eat natural yoghurt without adding sugar But if you stick to the sweet taste Can eat with fresh fruit to make it tastier

7. Oysters

Oysters contain minerals that are anti-viral properties. Since zinc can contribute to the formation and activation of white blood cells related to the immune response, such as scarring

8. Miso

Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning. Made from Fermented Soy Miso is rich in probiotics. What is a good bacterium in the intestine And in foods such as yogurt or some fermented foods Eating miso will help strengthen the immune system Because it helps fight against diarrhea caused by an infection

9. chicken soup

Chicken soup can relieve the disease. And can help you better recover In addition, carnosine in chicken soup can also protect the body from influenza viruses. If you do not have time to make chicken soup yourself Researchers suggest that the chicken soup that is commercially available in many products There are health benefits as well as soup homemade chicken.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice. Diagnosis Or treatment of any disease

Source Good Health / Nutrition / Immunization /

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