Clear Coach Coach & # 39; reveals that BP beat the FA Cup FA Cup


"Snorkel Coach" Sri Sri, the coach of Bangkok Glass FC, came out after Ratchaburi Mitr Phol FC 1-3's defeat against the FA Cup 32. … On July 19th, The team of 32 teams and the team are putting pressure on their own efforts to speed up the game in 90 minutes.

"Coach Joon" said: "We have already taken place. It should be a simple game. But become self-deprecation. And the second half-shot. We try to adjust ourselves. Let's get back to the game, we want to win in 90 minutes to try to speed up the offensive. Do not think it will be over. In the end, we swing and lose the door. That's because we have to travel until the race. Not enough to lose.

In addition, "coaches" also talk about the rhythm of the problem at the last minute. The referees have reversed the door of Ariel Rodriguez: "When he protested, he made a change of judgment.It is hard We think the game is ours in 90 minutes, but when we do not have a good time, We have no VAR to fight with the directors, it's useless, we can not stand the period, we can be tired of the norm but not yet Ratchaburi is the same thing, we just overcome it. Sorry for the fans But thank you for encouraging me .. I need to punish myself for not being able to reach the goal.Very sorry "

The next BGC game will leave to visit PT on Saturday, July 7, 61 at 17:45 in the Thai League at Three Bay Stadium. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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