"Surapong Kongthep", a good advisor to "Pattaya United" Team Thai League 1 came out to talk about the team after the 11th in the league of the Toyota Thai League League …
The 20 July, the movement of "Pattaya Dolphins", the Thai League team, the work of the latter to improve up to the 11th position of the table.
Recently, "Coach Aan" Surapong Kongthep, the "Blue Dolphin" of Pattaya. United revealed that from their performance in the last 6 games since the second leg of the tournament, players and coaching staff are all working hard to make the team better. All those who fought and formed a complete team to make our team a better job at the moment. However, we must work hard to maintain the standard and improve the weaknesses of the team so that the team continues to function well. "
" The remaining 11 goals this season. We will play in 5 games and will come out 6 times. Because every game is just as important, we must plan to do better for a better match. I will try to focus on it because it will put pressure on all of you in the team and want Pattaya fans to encourage us in any case. The game we were on the field with "big blue dolphins"
for the next game. "Blue Dolphins" Pattaya United must raise troops to attack. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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