Coach Coach & # 39; reveals the key factors that help BG & # 39; to overtake Muang Thong


"Lotus Coach" Sri Sri Bangkok Glass FC coach came out after the opening of the SCG home team attack Muang Thong United 3-1 in the last game of the Thai League … [19659002] On July 22, Srinagar was the head coach of BGC, aiming to win the rest of the match. To guarantee survival in the Thai League. After the opening of the Leicester stadium which outscored SCG Muang Thong United 3-1, the team moved the red zone to the 13th place, with 27 points, tied with Sukhothai FC and Polisetero, but the results are good.

"Coach Moo" said after the game, "We know that the remaining 11 games we can not miss it.This game we solved the problem of a simple game of Pattaya, which we understand the players and that you are doing well, but we have arrived at the door. We are trying to adapt to the tagic and the backup which allow the team to come back to the game. We now want to win every matches, because we must always focus on the situation.The game is very important because the game is very close to each other, the game is worth 3 points with both teams.We have a game outside the house that still needs find 3 points, if we can, it's a game of the game with.

Next match, BGFC will be going out at Polis Tete FC at Bannayinda Stadium Function (f, b, e, v, n , t, s)
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