million. Nopparat Kunthongwong, Football Coach, Wild Boar Academy Revealed to reporters. The parents of the 12 children still have good morale. And I hope that full of good news soon. In private, it appeals to all parents who are expecting their own children. Very relaxing
For all children's football talents, everyone is a kid who loves football. I like working in a team, but of course, the most prominent people should be DDS Phet Phethep or Dome 13 years old, because they can play football on both feet. This is a great leader and past, they have always let younger brother play with the older team. To experience the
. I have known 12 children back because one day, while he was teaching football at the Mae Sai Central Stadium in Chiang Rai, this group came to rehearsal for giving shots. foot in football from here. His daughter is only 9 years old
Finally, the coach. Boar Academy Thank you for Thailand's encouragement at the national level. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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