Column: Uncle Sam's Uncle Sam: Camp Attitude Adjustment in Uncle Sam's House The situation in the house of Uncle Sam


This must be said with the Thai idiom. "The cow did not catch it." Buffalo has come in. "Really, but before the story of the uncle in America I've got news from the UK The anti-Donald Trump gang is raising money to build a giant doll in The baby diaper, but in hand, there is a tweet with a facial expression Welcome to Trump

More than 2,300 migrant children were separated from their parents After the government started "Tolerance" at the beginning of May to prosecute any adult who crosses the border illegally, including those traveling with children, even though Trump has returned to order to end the family separation on June 20. The government has not yet brought 2,000 children back into their families.

Even now, a San Diego District Court judge ruled that the government had a ban on separating families children under 5 must return to their homes. parents within two weeks, but this situation is confusing and difficult to reveal. [Mesdames et Messieurs] Whether it's a woman. Miss Trump or Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton and Rosalyn Carter have said that is unacceptable. Everyone has condemned Old Trump's "zero tolerance" policy.

But there is an interesting point. When the first lady, Laura Bush, questioned, referring to the dark history of America, he said: "

" Endurance policy is a pagan center, and morally My heart And it reminds us of the Japanese American concentration camps.In the Second World War, it is the moment.

To write about the truth in American history, there was a camp of At that time, it was called "attitude adjustment camp." Countries that claim equality, freedom and freedom as America have This dark side, because this is considered.

The Pearl Harbor incident in Japan attacked the US Naval Base in 1942 after the incident, causing America to be wary of Japan.

After attacking Hiroshima and Nassau with atomic bombs, Japan surrendered.As a result, America became the victor In order to be the winner, Uncle Sam is not happy to build large concentration camps.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a decree in February 1942 to establish a camp. Quarantine of US citizens of Japanese origin in many areas. Especially west coast of America. It is necessary to quarantine men of Japanese origin to protect spies. And the control of peace after the war, whether it is or not. The Japanese arrested in America I asked no kind of pleasure

Uncle Sam did not catch. Then released C is a great way to start your own business. "Camp attitude adjustment" because controlled by the resentment of the soldiers found the Japanese bomb dropped at Pearl Harbor. Always in the chest So do not doubt.

The attitude of this camp has no mercy for the Japanese whites in America even less. Abused of various forms of abuse. Although many Japanese are US citizens. Sam was not allowed to leave alone.

The Japanese who were arrested and detained in the camp were American citizens of Japanese origin. Live in America legally. Many families have lived here for generations and have never been enemies of America. But difficulties.

Americans of Japanese descent living along the west coast of the United States are all detained. While in Hawaii who is of American descent. More than 150,000 people in Japan or more than one third of the population, only 1,200 to 1,800 people were arrested. Among those who were detained were US citizens. 62%

This camp is scattered in various states of the state of Arizona. State of Arkansas California, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. It is called in the western part of the country. Located in the hinterland. Controlled as a prisoner. Escape, do not mention.

The weather inside the camp is dark. Fireplace in summer And winter in winter. Many Japanese Americans get married, have children and die in camps. Being in an overcrowded camp And limited range The lodge can not protect anything, no matter the heat. Gold sandstorm

Japanese in the United States He was imprisoned in a camp for nearly three years before being released in 1945, where military authorities paid only $ 20 and train tickets to return home . This is not worth the loss of freedom during the torture period. These attitudes

adapted to the camps are a violation of the law. Serious human Because of these Japanese. This is not illegal and it is not a prisoner of war any more than it is associated with the war. But it seems that Americans have forgotten what they did with Japan.

Until 1988, 46 years later, President Ronald Reagan signed the law, which apologized for the detention. On behalf of the United States Government By law. The government's behavior is based on "Racial Prejudice Scarecrow And Failed in Political Leadership", and has paid more than $ 1,600 million in compensation for American-born detainees and heirs.

This is an ugliness in the history page. The US government, acting on its own nationality, is biased. Just because these Americans are of Japanese origin. It seems that Americans have never learned from history. The stories on these camps are almost never recorded in textbooks, so it's no wonder the world sees them.

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