Come! Israeli Racism Through the creation of the country as a "Jewish state"


Conservative Ministers in Israeli Council Protest Parliament passed a bill that requires Israel to have Jewish statehood …

. Parliament of Israel Thanks to the bill that forces Israel to be the state of the Jewish people, then by law, states that Jews have the privilege of determining their own future in Israel. And give him the Hebrew language.

This created a lot of dissatisfaction among the Arabs of the Israeli minorities. In the House of Commons One of them waved a black flag. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the passing of the law as a defining period and that Israel was the state of the nation. Jewish

. The question of the status of Israel as a Jewish state This has been a political debate for decades. While Israeli Arabs, who make up 20% of the Israeli population (9 million), have always felt that they are treated as second-class civilians and denied in many areas such as education. , health and construction of houses. The recent bill clearly shows this to many Israeli Arabs. This is proof that Israel is trying to reduce their status.

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