Come! The Hollywood studio & # 39; Pure Flix & # 39; enters the area of ​​the royal caves. .


Foreign media revealed Hollywood Movie Studios to land at Royal Caves. After the children and 13 coaches were rescued safely out of the cave …

Global News Sites (Canada) Reported on July 10 that the youth soccer rescue team. 12 wild boars and a trainer left the Luang Khun Nam Nang cave in Maesai District, Chiang Rai was successful on Tuesday. The world has watched the last two weeks

The latest is that this event can be filmed. As the 33 Chilean miners buried underground for 69 days in 2010, which was filmed five years later, "The 33" with Antonio Banderas.

Mike Meyeroy, the filmmaker, The 33, said that the event at the Royal Caves has shown real courage in the face of the dire situation. And it's possible that this story will become a movie or TV show at some point.

. Report Numerous filmmakers from "Pure Flix" studios specializing in cinema, family and religion. In the Luang Caves to interview for information for the film at the beginning. "I see it as a big Hollywood movie, there are A-list stars," said Michael Scott, managing partner of Pure Flix, at AAP.

Taking the events of the caves in a movie, creators face many challenges. For example, get the consent of the parents of children. Everyone between the ages of 11-16, the consent of the coach. And every rescue team that they want to mention in the movie to get information on what's going on. In addition, simulation of the rescue scene in the cave, it can cost a lot. Because the scene of scuba diving is always full of money

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