Cops greet! The Reds' easy to grasp & # 39; Alisha & # 39; for the sole reason.


"Reds" Liverpool became the only team to have a chance to get Alisa Ramsay. The only reason …

The foreign news agency reported on July 17 that the "Reds", Liverpool's Premier League club, would seize the goalkeeper from the Alissa national team . Brazil's "Red Wolf" may be unstoppable.

Earlier, there was news that Liverpool had offered a £ 62 million custodian to buy Alishan. I have a lot of frustration with

. The latest report from Sky Sports, a British media outlet, said that the Chelsea captain had retired in the race to take over Alisha because they were considering signing a new contract to take over. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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