Customers are brutal! Bite the owner of the shop pungent offensive food order – fresh


The most brutal customer! Bite store owner Jade Anderson, a 24-year-old Chinese restaurant customer, said June 28 The United States was arrested after biting the ear the restaurant owner I n & # 's I do not like ordered food

. Anderson enters the restaurant around 9:40 pm so the restaurant owner, because the food that she ordered. At the moment the merchant's son tried to translate what Anderson had said to his mother. Anderson rushed to push the woman into the store and feed her on the floor.

Anderson attacked the woman in the store. Before the store owner's husband arrived at the scene, he tried to push Anderson out of the store. Jade bites into his ear and tears it off.

"There are women who attack my mother. He told the police " Who are you? " The police asked [19659002] "I do not know, I'm afraid you could hurt us."

Police arrested Anderson, while the man was immediately sentenced to the 39. Hospital Lt.-Gov. Anderson also left the baby She is alone at home when she comes to the restaurant Anderson was imprisoned

Anderson was charged with serious physical assault and was sentenced to a fine of $ 20 000. This is the first time I see this movie.
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