Dead 2 painful wounded! Celebrate France The World Cup is over with blood.


It is unlikely to celebrate the French national team. The 2018 World Cup degenerates into a riot. Young hot man Violent The theft collided with the police until 2 people were killed, many injured

on July 16, 61 mirror site. Reported a serious incident in France. After a large crowd in the street, the national team of France beat the Croatian national team. Won the 2018 World Cup in Russia on Sunday night, July 15th. But most of the French celebrations are ardent young people. Change is a violent riot, stripped, destroyed. And the shock with the police. The French suffered 2 injuries.

The French Ministry of Interior declared that the most violent uprising was in Paris. The police decided to shoot tear gas in the streets of Jean Alye, which caused serious accidents. Officially, about 4000 police and security agents appeared to control the situation in Paris. After the French national team won the World Cup for the second time in 20 years or since. 1998.

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