Deputy Prime Minister Opening of the biogas plant 2


Today (July 6, 2561) at 11:00 am. Chief Marshal of Air Prajin Chantong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice At the opening ceremony of the biogas plant, Royal Thai Air Force, Wing 2, Lopburi, Welcome at this opportunity Mr Siriji Pongpan. Minister of Energy, Mr. Hunyada Chantarat, Inspector General, Ministry of Energy And Mr. Phadungsak HARRY PRAYSAWAS Deputy Governor of Lopburi Ceremony of Honor

The Biogas Plant The biogas plant 2 is a biogas plant based on a digestion system of dry organic waste. This is the first prototype of Thailand. The Royal Thai Air Force has received a budget for the project. From the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund Ministry of Energy The Institute of Research and Development Nakorn Ping University of Chiang Mai Conduct a feasibility study and a preliminary environmental assessment. The design of the project system. The main objective is to increase the security of the energy sector for the Division 2 aviation mission and to diversify the use of alternative energy technologies. It also promotes prototypes and learning resources for the management of biogas power plants from small-scale organic fermentation

. Use of new technology to manage waste. It is popular in foreign countries such as Germany. And in Sweden, less space is used in construction compared to other technologies. By using the process of biodegradation of microorganisms in nature. To break down organic matter or dirt. Pollution is reduced and biogas. It's a natural process. Separate organic waste will be imported into the digestive system. Other types of waste such as metal or plastic are difficult to digest.


1. The waste management system can be divided into four categories. Using separation techniques. 1) Heavy fraction: heavy metal, plastic bottles and inorganic materials such as vegetable waste, fruit peel. Fraction) will be sent to separate the waste such as paper bags and plastic. The rest of the waste is transported to the conveyor belts and separated by small pieces of metal separated by a magnetic separation technique, such as a screw cap, a nail, at each stage of the waste separation system. The smell and dust. To reduce the odor and diffusion of dust inside the building

. In the next stage The organic waste is fermented in a dry reactor of a volume of 900 cubic meters, the feed rate is 10 tons / day and the biogas production is 1,550 cubic meters / day . Each 2,500 units of biogas is stored in a 2-layer plastic flask at the top of the tank. 800 ppm of biogas can be used to support biogas. Will be used to produce organic fertilizer. Aspirating in a closed fermentation system used to treat anaerobic wastewater such as sewage, wastewater from the agricultural center. The fermented water is then pumped into a dry fermentation system. To create a favorable factor for microbial activity in the hybrid biogas digester

3. Gas filter, gas filter and gas system. Then the biogas produces. It will be stored in a biogas tank. The pressure tank is installed. If there is excess gas left. It does not produce electricity at any given time. It will be automatically burned to the set on fire. The gas contained in this reserve tank will be recycled before being used as fuel for the production of electricity. The hydrogen sulfide serves to trap vapor and hydrogen sulfide.

4 Power Transmission System The biogas will be produced using two 250 kW motors and delivered to a 50 Hz 800 kVA three phase transformer for later use in space.

If the biogas plant is running at full capacity. It is expected that the cost of electricity for the second squadron will be reduced by about 180,000 per month and will also help reduce the cost of waste management. It also creates a good environment for government officials and families. The Flying Squadron 2 will continue to have a backup power system for effective security missions.

Based on the Air Force 's Air Force Air Policy 2016-2018, Guidelines for Technological Development and Cooperation in the Air Force. renewable energy Including energy conservation with external agencies. Smart Wing technology, developed by Smart Grid Technology, will effectively manage electricity to effectively meet the mission, but with fewer resources. With less, in addition to being credible, safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly, Fleet 2 will be the prototype of the development of alternative energy technologies. Air Force is "Smart Wing 2" next

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