'Diamond Dock & # 39; is more experienced than winning. & # 39; Diamond Rungrueng & # 39; in the honor of the diamond arena, Lumpini.


Diamond Diver to Win the Diamond Rungrueng

Ploen Rungphet – Chance for the Diamond – Chinatown – Good

Lumphini Arena Friday, July 13 (Today) is a boxing show. Battle of the Diamonds Organized by the promoter "Siew Chun" Peerapong Teeradejpong pair boxing watch. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Drinking water Boxing, punches, stabbing, punching, knee, fight, fight to win over a hundred years ago.

Body of Honor 4 kicks strong boxing Knee in a wrestling match won the echelon.

my friend Pakornporn Surin Boxing, punching, stabbing, punching knee, fight, hit harder to beat the rivalry. Cho Yoo I'm not sure it's a good idea. Black Coffee (Katy Gym) Coffee Focus 107

Ploy Rong Diamond Satin snooker (won the warriors score, Boonsit TV on color 7) Boxing rhythm kick punch punch stab knee hit severely beat to win forever. Boxing, punching, punching, stabbing, punches, hitting, banging, hitting, hardcore, hardcore type 107 pound.

Phuket's Diamond Pier FantaSea (still with Cuiying Mwin at Larn's) Boxing, punching, stabbing, punching, knee, fight, hitting hard. I do not know what to do. Young disciple Boxing, punches, stab, stab, knee, hit harder than conquered light. I like this one 123 [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Four days live broadcast 18.00

Rungrueng Lichit blue honoring Boxing, punches, stab, punches, knee, fight, than beat the carpet, the garden .

Tiger Diamond Leo Savage Gym Boxing, punching, punching, stabbing, punching, kneeling, wrestling, hitting hard, will be forever won by Pornpun Punnart , 122, 123, 123,

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