Director of the Department of Mental Health "Foreign Media" interview boar repeated two months at risk.


Director General Department of Mental Health "Foreign media" interview "boar team" is also a monitoring. Lean does not discriminate against the media. 2 months is also a risk of long-term mental illness.

Miss Boonrueng. Tritura Varavat Director General Department of Mental Health Ministry of Public Health Come and discuss the case of foreign media. Interviewed one of the members of the wild boar team. The current criticized the costume. Because psychiatrists have suggested that interviews should not be.

The Director General of the Department of Mental Health stated that there was a monitoring system. And I have to cooperate with the media before. From selecting questions to opening interviews of 150 questions to just over 11 questions, the concern is: After they return home. Will follow until inquire. Or interviews at home Interview guidelines. About two months ago, it was a long-term monitoring of mental illness. Usually, this condition occurs for 4-6 weeks

This case, although it is personal. Foreign media to interview. Do not discriminate or allow. The psychiatrist. I have been warned of foreign media. Parents and cooks We also informed previously. So let's have a boar with the family

. He also told his relatives that after the return of the team of boars. Be careful to be questioned. It has been suggested that. The best way is not to interview. It will be disturbed and may be affected. Department of Social Development and Human Security


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