Do not disturb! & # 39; Ramos & # 39; talk about 'Eredora & # 39; after Spain drew 16 teams


"Sergio Ramos" lure support. "Spain national team" came out to talk about "Fernando Eriro" after leading the team to coach the last 16 teams of the 2018 World Cup defeated the host …

News Agency foreign reported 2 a. Defenders Sergio Ramos behind the "bullfight" of the Spanish national team to talk about Fernando Eriro, the coach of the team after leading the team to knock out the final 16 teams of the 2018 World Cup defeated. The Russian national team "White Bear"

is understandable. The Spanish national team took a 1-0 lead over luck to help Sergey Ignacio, 12, scored his own goal. But the equalizer was a 1-1 to 41 minutes of Arsufa, the team was beaten 4-3. Spain championship team

Ramos said: "We are proud of the coach (Fernando Eriro), everyone knows that it happens.For the team in a moment tricky (the team just published Juventus Lectte's position.) I'm very happy with him. "

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