"Dr. Ritter" wants to see someone steal their socks and tell them to ask Fink! – New


'Dr. Ritter & # 39; wants to see a man steal his socks. [Juillet1965] Ruangrit Siripanich or Ritt The Star joined the interview. […] Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »I want to take a picture. How do you define this goal? It's just about everything. Not so great. Because of the small It will become short. Pretty much I do not know how to do it. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] I do not have many people to play with this guy, but before that did not play. Do you have to study? But this time in Bangkok. He will play more often. Have more time offline. That's all. I tried it and finally I got back to the habit.

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"There has never been a very psychotic mental threat, there are Socks case Why is it? Ritter is it normal? This has been going on for many years but nothing has ever happened.That will take a bath in the gym.Who does not swim.Because It was a day to go to work, so I took a bath and put socks in the shoes.Then put it on the outside of the bin.

"Shower over for look at the shoes, why he lost the lost socks, he blames himself. Where do you put it? I asked my friend if the socks were stolen, I stole my socks. Look at that first. Understand that the thief for sale But it's a little baht. Why do not you steal your shoe (laughs) It's a hint. "

" But friends said that he did not sniffle, he searched the evidence. The search for sniffing socks in Google seems to have both texts. It's a bit of a joke. (Laughs) Fear. "

" The CCTV did not go to see. I just think of socks. But in psychological terms. What are you doing? But not afraid. Is he happy to sniff socks that have been used recently for the form? Ask if you have informed the staff. I like to see him and see who is offline. And then that day to play fitness, no one acted suspiciously or it hurts. " Beware more
" also played the same thing. I do not know what to do. (Laughs) "

enough to post
" He came to the joke. If it's a pants or a shirt. This is understandable of theft. But it's a sock.

Do you think that he knows that it is us? Otherwise, he did not choose only socks. S & he flew real estate. Take shoes Because shoes were more expensive than socks. "

afraid of the track.
This is not afraid because it has not happened.The time to go to the bathroom is suspect.I do not have it. He has holes in the bottom of the hole, you have to see that the shadow goes in. Has the camera come out? But do not panic. May be more cautious. I did not think anyone would be interested in us, but I can not think of that, it's a good idea to take a look at it

" That day, the socks wore on, it was very old, very black and then finished playing. The smell is pretty strong. I do not know if that is not it.

And that? "I do not know what to do." I will continue to do the same. I'm afraid it's more serious than the original. I am not afraid to go to the evidence. I do not know what to do.

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