Dr. Supachai Panichpak decides to exchange "Idiot Worlds" – Nations


Dr. Supachai Former Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Speech to the Regional Forum on Trade and Development in 2018 entitled "The loss of the balance of the world order" and the impact on the trade regime, "projected the current problem of global trade disrupting world trade.

World Trade [19659003DrSupachaisaidTodaymultilateraltradehasbeguntoseetheproblemsofmanyworldsthedialogueframeworkofmanymemberstatesisincoherentandpeoplecannolongeracceptthetermsandconditionsofmembercountriesthecaseofthe"bracelet"itisclearthatsomeMemberStateshavetheirownconditions

"Globalization in Multilateral Negotiations." This may not encourage the economies of each country. s to evolve as easily as ever. "

While global governance has not yet led to a clear leader.While the world has the G7 or the G20, it does not create the true rules."

The world is moving towards the bilateral trade

because of the multilateral trade negotiations that do not work.Turning the world towards In the case of a conflict that has become a trade war problem between the United States and many other countries, in particularly with China, the world trade regime needs to be modified to achieve economic mobility

One reason the United States has declared war on this trade is that bilateral trade negotiations will be directed to the parties in the end And lead to FTA or free trade negotiations Including foreign direct investment (FDI) to be developed in the country

Globalization. "Back in the head" [19659003DrSupachaisaidNowadaysthesimplestistherisingwatersofmanysmallcountrieswhererichpeoplearegrowingAlthoughthegapbetweentherichandthepoorisstillhighDuetotheimbalanceoftheincomedistributionButoverallwecansaythattheeraofdevelopingcountriesEspeciallyAsiaIsconsidered"Machineofgrowthatthisage"

As a developing nation. Foreign financing is easier and more flexible than major economies. Adaptation in this new era of globalization. Asian countries should increase their bargaining power, such as economic integration. Or other cooperations in the region to strengthen And reduce the dependence on the former world power by creating new powers in the same region. Or from other areas that are recovering, such as Africa

. All changes are in progress. If it is finished. Globalization is turning its head. Countries that have already experienced helplessness will start to recover and become the drivers of global trade.

The old electric poles The importance of trade for development in the country. Leading to Bilateral Trade Define the measures and conditions to maintain the position.

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