DSI ready to send Extradition "Kanchana Pa – One Victory" – Post Today Company


SSI prepares to submit documents to the Attorney General to file an application. "Kanchanapha – One Victory" is an extradition. After money laundering

On November 28, Deputy Foreign Minister Voranun Srimun's spokesman revealed the progress of Ms. Kanchana Paisan's surveillance. Pojaman Shinawatra and Mr. Wanchai Hong-Leng, both charged with corruption and wrongdoing by arrest warrant. In the case of corruption related to money laundering, Krung Thai Bank To Krisada Mahanakorn group after the accused had fled the country. The ISD must draft an extradition request to coordinate with the Attorney General's Office. Currently, the Foreign and International Crimes Division produces translations and abstracts of documents. Related The request for extradition in English according to the procedures of the Attorney General's Office.

"A few steps away, the officer will send the documents to Colonel Piisit Wongmuang, director general of special investigations.It is estimated that it will take about a week before sending a request to the Attorney General's office. To move on to the next step.The data indicate that the accused has fled to Hong Kong.There is no such report, "said Pol.

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