Enjoy! First half of the "Belgian France" 0-0


The first half of the 2018 World Cup semifinal between Belgium and France is still in the spotlight. 0-0 …

2018 World Cup finals The first match at the Stade de Pétersbourg between France and Belgium

France has good news. Blaise Mijadie is back on the field, the offensive line also uses Olivier Giroud in the lead, joining Antoine Ammann, Killeen Mbabane. And Paul Pauba, Belgian Division, led by the three most brutal quests.

The game ended with a chance of Belgian gold in the 16th minute. Rubén cut the ball before Ashley paid a shot.

Two minutes later, the balloon came out. […] […] […] Read More »

22 mins Belgium should have another lead. At the corner of the street, Fellini touched Toby Alder Vital.

France takes the first kick in the 31st minute, the Greek goalkeeper gave the ball to the ball opener at the edge of the ball. In the 39th minute, Mbppe sank into the box so that Pavel could slip into the ball after an unbelievable center

and the two teams still did not finish the first half. 0-0

The real names of both teams

France: 4-2-3-1: UGO Yosemite: Benjamin Ward, Raphael Samuel Urbatti, Lucas Hernandez: Enollo, Teatre, Paul Pablo: Kianian Mbpepe , Antoine, Greece, Batman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Toby, Vital Albrecht, Naser Chadley: Axel Wissel, Marouane Fellini, Mustafa Devine: Kevin DeBroun, Eden Hazard: Romelu Lukuku

Analyzing the depth of football at https: //www.thairath .co.th / sport / preview

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