Exhibition "Hypotheses of Male Women: Illumination of Genders"


for people to understand. An open attitude towards sexual diversity both for oneself and for the people around them. Learn to live together without sexual prejudice. And at the point of social. In history The public should be aware of all this as the source of the recent exhibition of the Siam Museum. In the title of the exhibition "Male and Female Hypotheses: Illumination of the Kind"

(Siam Museum). The problem is sensitive in society. With the current Both positive and negative. The Siam Museum focuses on learning. This is an important step to go from the front. And the ultimate goal is to get people to understand. And open mind On the issue of the sexual diversity of the whole person, close the individuals without the need to ask – push the law or the law.

The exhibition is designed to tell the story in two parts: the first exhibition is "Labyrinth of Sex" in an outdoor labyrinth. To ask you questions About the definition of sexuality through the "words" found and used in everyday life. It is the cornerstone of sexuality, discrimination, discrimination and total exclusion. The word "man" is used to define sex. "The man" expresses the strength of a strong man or the "folded tissue" that is used to define the nature of sex. "Well, that's fine, it's a model, and it's so.And the women themselves may not be like a folded fabric." The company that has it created.

The next part is the exhibition hall .Designed A Labyrinth Under the concept "theater" covers an area of ​​more than 715 square meters, presenting the story.Sexual Diversity Begins with Perspectives of Sexuality.With a Human Spice Bread Template to Unlock the Sexual Dimension of Both.Between the Body and the Mind With Kinnectic, the scanner (Kinnect) reflects that sex is only a problem. An external physical characteristic Can not be used to limit the sense of sex, expression and inner feelings

Next to the area "Sexless toilets" provide gender-specific definitions that only men and women who are separated in public spaces, such as toilets, nt: "Is it better? If the bathroom is not sex.

"Save – Sex – Siam" is another area that goes back to the history of diversity. Sex in Thai history It may not be included in the lesson. For example, stigma and exclusion. Sexuality by Law

The "Scene of Life" area, which presented the exhibition under the iconic "Theater" concept, welcomes visitors. To enter the curtain full of life.

There are also more than 100 exhibits exhibited in the full-fledged exhibition. Many stories To represent history, society should realize and understand the results. From the definition of sexuality, "crown" of the couple who can not reveal the relationship to society or even people around the perception or question of the "sex hormones" of the sexual group. The past must learn, learn and experiment to consume. Even while he was still a student. To realize the importance of having a public health system. For sex in different areas. Should have grown in Thai society

last with the area. "Improvisation" of the theater scene. Free space for everyone to try. Do not worry about the context of sexuality. With clothes

The exhibition is open to the public. Until September 30, 2018, free. Every Tuesday – Sunday (Closed Monday) 10:00 to 18:00 At the Siam Museum, Thaitan, Bangkok. Contact the phone number 02-225-2777 or visit www.museumsiam.org


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