Famous authors. I am sorry to hear that. Look at the punishment of fasting. Out of trouble The pressure to meet.
Rasma Maneeil, famous radio writer and radio host. Posted by fan page page fan. Let's write again to coaches (Ekpol Chawanawong) 25-year-old coach assistant, orphan parents, but the grandmother was born to have to take care of themselves, ordered 8 years up to the morals. First to feel football assistant coach
to be a close assistant coach with children. He agrees to train the children. To be a good footballer. Have a healthy body Take the kids on a bike together. Exercise to go to the cave with creative activities to help pull the children out of the screen, not to be caught in the game, which is a big problem for Thai children today [19659004]. Being an assistant coach who took 8 years of teaching knowledge to use in times of crisis, effectively taught children how to meditate to preserve their spirit. We are worried. Reminds children Be aware of eating Eat water from the cave. To prevent the danger of water that may contain germs or other hazards.
In addition. To be an assistant, let the kids eat prepared snacks. By myself. It's the only one that lasts 222 hours, so thin and lean, a little more tired than anyone, despite its strength
. Be an assistant coach Try to avoid the media out of the camera for always sad eyes. Because that's wrong. Blame yourself for being the cause of all the difficulties. Because it's the most mature. But do not stop to bring the children to the cave almost dead.
This boy is old. Responsible for this size. It is not enough to ask that …
1. The suffering that he received while fasting 222 hours more than all the kids punished him enough?
2. The depression, feelings of guilt that hinder the person is wrong. Take the villagers into trouble. I did not hit him enough.
3. The pressure to take care of children 12 people must catch the crabs in the puddle of water when everyone is hungry to be afraid of the homesickness they're hungry rather than fear that worry about that to play his job [19659002] 4. The suffering of people allergic to cold air must be sprayed with breath, throat pain is more difficult than everyone else. I do not have enough torments to make children. I'm not sure if that's the case. All children have parents waiting to go home. But this is not the case.
As he always used to encourage children. How do you smile again? I do not know what to do. The wild boar coach of the Wild Boar Academy is not sure of being able to take the wild boar until we can not think about it. I do not know what to do. # Send encouragement to coaches # 19659014] (Photos from Facebook fan page.) Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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