Fierce! Trump – Iran's leader threatens to stop


US President Donald Trump opens a fierce debate with Iranian President Hassan Ruhani, cautiously confronting the United States with the worst results.

US leaders post tweets Threaten the Iranian rulers with such harsh treatment. It happened on the night of July 22 after the day of the same day. The Iranian leader spoke to the diplomatic group. Do not tease the lion's tail, and that America must understand that (make) peace with Iran. Is the mother of all peace And the war with Iran is also the mother of all war.

But the IRN news agency of the Iranian government I do not care about the threat of the back of Mr. Trump and that. Positive reaction to Mr. Ruhan's statement. And adding that Trump's statement was only a parody of Mohammad Najaf Said, an Iranian foreign minister who had threatened the Western world, not thinking of threatening Iran. Colum Hossein Gayo The Iranian commander of the Assyrians said the threat of Trump C is just a psychological war.

The latest wave of clashes is behind US-Iran relations. It has been tense since Mr. Trump won the US presidential election and in May ordered the United States to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran. It will put an end to the development of nuclear weapons in exchange for the abolition of sanctions. This is not covered and not strict on subversion in the Middle East region in Iran. Trump also ordered to boycott Iran. Despite opposition from Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany, they signed a nuclear deal with Iran last year. 2558

. Trump used social media to attack and counter many US leaders in conflict, including Kim Jong-eun, leader of North Korea. I do not know what to do. But eventually finished kneeling at the top in Singapore recently. With the hope of nuclear disarmament in the Korean peninsula Even if the process involved does not progress, the function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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