Find the skull of a rare ancestral elephant in France.


In 2014, French farmers in the village. L'Isle-en-Dodon It is located about 70 km from Toulouse in France, near the Pyrenees, the natural border between France and Spain. While working, he suddenly falls on something. Considering that it was a fossil or fossil animal, he kept it for him. Lest the farmer be hunted by amateur archaeologists in his field.

Until two years ago, the farmer opened his mouth and contacted the Museum of Natural History of Toulouse.
To tell the story of this fossil. The museum staff then analyzed immediately. It has been found that the fossil remains of the ancestors of the elephant. The fossil record has 4 scales, about 80 cm in diameter,
on both sides, and two in the lower jaw.

The museum director said that it was a very important discovery. Because it was before. The only evidence is that the 4 teeth found in the year 2400 were identified as giant herbivorous animals that traveled to this region millions of years ago. But now the encounter A relatively full skeleton of an old elephant gives a clearer picture of an anatomy. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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