First Half wins! The & # 39; Brazil & # 39; is also a 'Mexico & # 39; 0-0.


Mexico and Brazil even opened the game to splashing. But the last shot is neither clear nor net. The first half is always the same. 0-0 …

2018 World Cup on Monday 2 July 2018. The game in the last 16 teams at the Samara Arena is a meeting between the national team "Samba" of Brazil against "" The Mexican National Team

started the game just 5 minutes from the Brazilian side to have the opportunity to greet first. On the other side of Neymar, but Murray Ochoa was knocked out.

25 minutes, Naymar again. At the moment, Mexico has slammed against the target.

32 minutes Gabrielle Jesús beat left. I'm not sure if that's the case. But not in the final rhythm is not. The first half is always the same.

List of alignments of the two teams

National Team of Brazil: Alessand Becker, Fabak, Tiago Silva, Joira Miran Philippe Louise, Cazilio, Pauline Noy, Willie, Philippe Pintin, Gabriel Theodor, Naymar

National Team Mexico: Gilmero Ochoa, Jorge Gallardo, Hugo Ayala, Rafael Marquez, Carlos Salcedo, Edson Alva Torres, Andreas Gustavo, Hector Herrera, Irving Lozano, Carlos Time, Javier Hernandez Rodriguez

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