First transgender baby prototype in China


China orders first HIV transgene transplant
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The world's first case of HIV-1 DNA transplant – BBC Thai

Experts in scientific circles in China and around the world. They expressed doubts that Professor He Yao, a genetic researcher from Shenzhen, has announced it. The genes of the human embryo can be adjusted with advanced techniques. "CRISPR-CINNINE" (CRISPR-Cas9) is the first baby in the world to become infected with HIV.

The doubts that many people have about this scientific experiment. In addition, I do not really cut the gene as it is claimed. Many experts have also criticized this. This action violates the code of conduct. Until recently, the Xinhua News Agency reported that the National Health Commission of China (CNHC) ordered to investigate this case is urgent.

Previously, He was quoted in a video recorded by the news agency and published on the UB website. Binoculars born of the transgene opened their eyes to the world a few weeks ago. The two babies take the names "Lulu" and "Nana".

A graduate of Stanford University in the United States, he also claimed to have used the Chris Perry-Nine technique. This is the way to cut the gene to correct genetic defects of high accuracy. Ablation of the CCR5 gene in the embryo of both babies. Thus, the twins will not be infected with HIV if they are exposed or infected in the future.

"These twin children were born with the usual tube of amputees, but after his father's sperm mixed with the mother's eggs, we immediately put a set of sequencing and sequencing kits on the embryo. genetic change of the baby as needed, "said the professor.

However, on a global scale, genetic modification of human embryos is unacceptable for serious ethical research in biomedical science. In many countries, including the United Kingdom, there are clearly forbidden laws. This is particularly true in cases where the embryo from embryonic multiplication continues to be an infant and possibly a child.

In general Transgenic Embryonic Stem Cell Transplant Laboratory Donated Must destroy all embryos tested. I can not be sure for the moment. How does genetic manipulation affect the long-term genetic diversity of humans? Or will it affect the health of the isolated person in the future? This can also encourage the medical industry. "Baby at the command", which presents the same physical and intellectual characteristics as the parents wish.

However, Professor Hee claims to have invented only one way to make future children healthy. I did not want to produce "Children of the Order", but I do not understand. "I understand that my work will be the subject of debate, but I believe that parents and many families need this technology, and I am ready to take criticism for them."

But it seems that many parties are involved. Including the hospital that carries the twins. And the University of Science and Technology of South China, I do not agree with the announcement of its success in this area. The university issued a statement. No part of the search. Professor Hee went to the lab outside of the university during his leave without pay since the beginning of the year. He also indicates that Professor Hao. "Violation of Academic Standards and Ethics"

However, It has been reported that the genetic modification in the human embryo of the teacher. It may have passed the approval of the Ethics Committee of China last year. Evidence in the Chinese clinical trial registry (ChiCTR)

Dr. Dascoe Lee, Stem Cell Specialist at King's College London, said that human embryonic stem cell transplantation was in this case. It is a violation of ethics. Because of the current situation, there is no need to cut genes to fight HIV infection. "The drug already exists, more than enough to prevent HIV infection from mother to child, and it also controls the spread of the disease," said Dr. Eli.

Julian W. Woolsey, researcher in ethics at Oxford University In general, the transplantation of human embryos It is expected to correct the mutation of genes at the origin of various diseases such as the cancer. However, I used this experiment to have a normal and perfect genetic strength. This is the gene that causes the child to risk any abnormalities that may result from the test.

More than 100 Chinese scientists issued a joint statement condemning the actions of the professor. He claimed to have metamorphic success without verification by an expert and failed to publish a reliable academic journal. He also calls on the government to regulate this code of ethics.

"This event undermines the reputation of the Chinese scientific community in the eyes of the world, which has hindered the development of biomedical research in the country, which is not fair to most Chinese scholars." We are committed to actively seek and innovate. "

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