Foreign media invade the house to open the team of boar brothers.


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Foreign media Watch the first episode of Homer's boar brigade, which is full of smiles and warmth.

James Longman Reporter I need to focus on Taiton. The 11-year-old wild boar was the only member of the wild boar family that chose not to drill in the cave. Just ask Did you know that the world is waiting? And he waited outside the cave for 2 weeks happy to meet. While Taiton's father The question is, who is the coach? Swimming off the cave

in Longman's exclusive report Images of the joy of family and loved ones. Welcome to Taiton. And the other boar brother went home. He is full of smiles, kisses and takes a picture. In addition, Longman also follow the ceremony. And give the charity to Sergeant Sam.

of Brother Taiton's house. Longman went to a church in Mae Sai. The event will be hosted by English-speaking adventurer brother Adul Sammee. The atmosphere is fun. There is both singing and dancing. [Refrain] [Refrain] [Refrain] A 16-year-old boar member arrives at home. The family brought a large reservoir of water on the back of the local population.

CBS News, Anna Werner followed the atmosphere of the 11-year-old Taiton family after returning home. First Taiton told me that. The cave is quite dark and scary. But there is a coach Ek Ek Phon Tawan care and support. Make Taedan go through difficult times. As Taito's father opened his eyes, the most awaited thing was that Taiton would have lived the normal life.

While the pastor of New Hope's Church of Mae Sai Telling a story is the hope and future of this church. But there are also concerns. Because there is no nationality. If Thai nationality or other nationality. From admission to Maesai District to the shelter of the incident. And ethnic conflicts. In addition, then. There are also two wild boar football players, including the head coach.

Meanwhile, Domom – Duang Phet Phuttham, a 13-year-old boar, revealed how to survive in the caves of the royal repertoire with Reuters. Friends Including majors. Drink the water from the cave in the cave to keep your stomach alive. Most spoke of food, but talked more about hunger. And also said that it is not a hero. Because the hero is an officer of the seal hunting unit.

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