G20 warns trade rules, but losers


The Cabinet of Ministers and the President of the Central Bank of the Great G20 Economies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 21. The only US President Donald Trump is the "Rule of the Forest", which will be the losers. And world trade can not be like that. He has also emphasized this now. "Commercial War" is true, but Stephen Manusin, US Treasury Defense will continue to implement tax policy. He also urged the European Union (EU) and China to open the market to free competition.

Bruno 's warning came after Trump established an import tariff for steel and aluminum from abroad, including the EU. . Mexico, Canada and China have increased the EU tariff on many US products. Including whiskeys. In addition, the United States and China increased their tariffs by $ 34 billion each, and last week, the United States recorded more than 6,000 Chinese articles worth $ 200 billion. dollars. The 10% tax, which could come into effect at the end of August, also threatens to raise China's total tariffs by $ 500,000.
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