The success of the series. "Hanuman" "Channel 8" raised the New Year's plan in the middle of 61 to draw the legendary Amata series on mighty mighty power. The faith capital creates more than 2,000 million shakes the screen with the series "Ganesh Giora (Vighnaharta Ganesha)" Dr. Oval Singha Lampong President and CEO
"For the new epic series.C is the largest project in the series.Sony Entertainment Channel 8 has invested in this story to thank and give to the fans From the Indian series the opportunity to revisit beautiful things.The story of a god full of wisdom.The success of the legendary legend of Genesis that the Thais are close to the legend of the Indians. This is the first time since the beginning.The origin of Ganesh C is a child who is inherited throughout history.Teach people to know the good and the disappearance of Gods has CG effects throughout history, which makes each episode fun and exciting.I believe all Thais want to see the track "Ganesh. Functions (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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