Glitter World Championship


The Battle of the Battle of the World is full of bullets.

From the 32 teams that were sacked to 16 teams

the last eight teams to shoot in the quarterfinals

before leaving 4 difficult teams.

And finally there are only two teams to win the championship.

"Mother Monday" called the last eight teams to cross quarter checkpoints. Final 1, Brazil 2, England 3, France 4, Belgium 5, Croatia 6, Uruguay 7, Sweden and 8, Russia hosted the World Cup

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Tengue 3, Spain (Former Champion) Tengue 4 Portugal and Tengue 5 Argentina are about to break the mold

Left the team of the 2 Tigers of Brazil (5 world champions) [19659002ThisdoesnotmeanthatBrazilmustbethechampion!

But there is also French, English, Uruguayan and Belgian. Self 4 teams

Article 4 of the team was not intimidated "Brazil" dignity with her

"Mother Moon" respectfully before whom overhung a shock for the champion of the world Cup.

Tonight (Friday, July 6), the 8th round of the World Cup will kick off two consecutive playoffs.

"France, France, France, France, France, [Nouvelles]

" The mother of the moon "looked like" the upper line ", as Brazil, France, Uruguay, Belgium has a very serious quarrel.

Unlike the "bottom line", which has English, Croatian, Croatian. And if measured by the amount of hair stem, "the top line" of Brazil will win the French and Uruguay will send Belgium home

Bottom line England will win Sweden And Croatia will beat Russia.

If the result comes to this lock, "Brazil, Uruguay, England, Croatia" will be the four teams that passed the semi-finalists

and the last of the last two teams will only compete to win the world championship . 19659002] Which team will be the world champion? "Monday Mother" did not dare to signal in advance

because the flag was fake. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] "Mom Monday" believes the results of the analysis. "Goldman Sachs", the world's leading financial company.

Goldman Sachs analyzes that "Brazil" and "England" will be the champions.

and "Brazilian team" with "Neymar" star to win the 2018 World Cup championship at home

in the final round … who do not buy either Qualification postcards for the world championship with Thai Rath (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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