Goodbye Doctor Harris Divers Flight to Australia


The team of Dr. Harris Medical with divers. He came to help find the boar. Return to Australia. Special air force of the Air Force of Australia

06:00, July 13, 61 at Mae Fah Luang International Airport, Chiang Rai The team of Dr. Richard Harris, anesthetist and Australian diver. Come help find the team's boar with 13 coaches out of the cave. Khun Nuang National Park, Pong Pha, Mae Sai, Chiang Rai

After completing the mission. Returned with a special aircraft from the air force. Mr. Pravit Panchakul, Director of Chiang Rai, Mr. Visut Khamtong, Director of Mae Fah Luang Airport, Chiang Rai Province, introduced the souvenir and thanked the Thai siblings to the team medical and Australian divers. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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