Goodbye! "Ozil" to merge the German national team.


Midfielder's beer "Mesut Ozil" from "Arsenal" bid farewell to the German national team. Is already He is a goat in the poor work of the national team in the world …

The international news agency reported on July 23 that Mesut Ozil, the German midfielder of the Arsenal "Arsenal". The English Premier League team announced the departure of the German national team. Already is He is a goat in the poor work of the national team of the World Cup. It is understood that. "Iron Eagle" German national team. Under the direction of Joachim Loop at the first World Cup in 2018, White Bear Even they have the honor of reaching the old championship by winning the world championship last year. 2014

Recent striker starring "White King", 29, Real Madrid came out to say goodbye to the national team. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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