Google has detected 13 malicious apps hidden in the Play Store, which have logged more than 500,000 downloads.


Regular application downloads Android Other than in Google Play Store There is always the risk that a virus or malware attack. Finally, there is a malicious application hidden on the Play Store which has 13 applications (from the same manufacturer) and more than 500,000 downloads.

Normally, Play Store apps will be reviewed by Google Protect, which has nothing to do with them. But the package itself or additional files. The people who downloaded these apps and clicked on activate for the first time. A message will appear to download the added Game Center APK. Once the file is installed, it will close on closing. Then, the icon is hidden so it can not be reactivated, but malicious software has been installed on the computer and runs secretly in the background. (See examples in action in the video.)

And otherwise. The 13 applications come from the same creator, Luiz O Pinto. These applications have already been downloaded. 560,000 By some very hot applications. I was caught in the category. trends Thanks a lot (Google has now removed all these apps.)

Download the 13 applications, then go to the antivirus applications to try to scan or uninstall unused applications. And after that, you have to monitor yourself by monitoring each application yourself, that it comes from a reliable team of developers? And have scores + comments How are you? It will be safe from viruses and malware.

Source: BGR

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