Great! & # 39; Pro & # 39; wins the Scottish Open for the World


"Pro" Erie Juthaanan, the faithful pillar of the Thai people won the Scottish Championship.

The international news agency reported on July 29 that the Aberdeen Standard Golf Tour LPGA Tour Golf Tournament Mens Slate Scottish Open at Galloway Golf Club, Scotland The $ 1.5 million prize was the last swing [19659003] the result was "pro" Erie Jutanan, a Thai faithful. On the last day, a total of 4 under par 271 won the championship.

The second No. 2, Lee Min G, of Australia, reached 12 points under the weight of the cattle. Jin Young and Kang Hee couple from South Korea. Thadapapa Suwannapura, 21st, 2nd place, Pornanong Diamond, 29th, 1st place, Maury Jutanagan Rattana Thanapolboonrasat, 35th, participated in the event.

Pro MMA won the championship, the 10th received $ 225,000, or about 7 million, 5 hundred thousand, on the rise.
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