Great! United States "light green" antimalarial medicine First time in 60 years


United States Medicines approved for malaria. The first time in 60 years, hope is a way to get rid of the patient's disease. Do not come back sick. Because it's a unique medicine. As a scientist, this drug has been a great success.

On July 23, 61, the BBC reported. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) green light approves malaria drug For the first time in 60 years, the United States is hoping to treat patients with malaria. The disease is back. An average of about 8.5 million people a year, and malaria caused by the parasite vivax plasmodium protozoan is also a particular challenge to eliminate from the body. Because it can stay in the liver for many years before it causes much more disease. This is my first post. Thepharmaletter reports that such drugs against malaria. Approved by the FDA, a single-use drug called Krintafel (tafenoquine) was developed by a major pharmaceutical company in the UK. & # 39; GlaxoSmithKline & # 39;

Krintafel (tafenoquine) is used to treat patients with malaria. Plasmodium vivax is the most common type of malaria parasite in the southern part of the Sahara. In Africa, children are at risk. This medicine can be used with other medicines to treat malaria. While scientists have described tafenoquine as "a great success"

the BBC said the drug had already been used to eradicate malaria in the liver called primaquine. The new drug is tafenoquine, a unique drug in life, while primaquine requires 14 days of continuous treatment. Whether it's Paul because there are a lot of patients. After 2-3 days, the symptoms improved. Do not take medicine.

However, the FDA said that even though tafenoquine malaria is a powerful drug. But at the same time, the side effects of the drug should also be cautious. For example, people with a problem with an enzyme called G6PD deficiency should not be given tafenoquine because it can cause severe anemia.

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