Greece, the weather has changed extremely Rain poured on the floods of Athens. After the forest fire.


Greek inaccessible …. the torrent does not forget. Until the sudden floods in Athens. The road becomes a canal. Explode a lot of cars. A few days after the worst wildfires in 10 years, the cause of the forest fire.

On July 27, 61 foreign news agencies reported heavy losses. Faced with a sudden flood in Athens. Capital of Greece On Thursday 26 July, due to a severe storm only 3 days after the worst forest fire in 10 years from Greece, northeast of Athens. As a result, at least 85 people were killed and nearly 200 injured.

Torrential rains caused the flooding of the streets of the districts of Marousi and Harandi, in the north of Athens. Many cars are parked in high waves of up to half the cars. By the BBC. Sudden Flood After Heavy Rain Changed the streets of many areas of Athens. Becoming channel The muddy water floods the muddy roads. Fortunately, there were no flash floods

. Progress reports of a tragic incident. Big Fire in Greece Attica Near Athens Especially in the city of Marseille. The seaside resort is badly damaged and people are burned alive. Died in a house and a lot of cars Because the fire escapes. The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Greece said that the cause of this forest fire. May cause arson. Intention of forest fire. And with the previous dry weather. Extreme weather conditions.

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