Hermitage Music: Children should learn music. How old are you ?: by Sukorn Charoensuk


How should a baby learn music at an early age? This is a common question.
The condition of Thai adults, including parents and guardians It is believed that the ancient Thai. "Baby Innocent" Does the baby not recognize? Let the children grow up and let the kids learn the music. I'm still young. To waste time Let the children grow a little. When children grow up, they learn music. It's worth it. These are misunderstandings.

Some parents understand that Mozart has been studying music for 4 years as a genius. It is only a few people. Music Parents believe that children who study music. You should study music at the age of 4, so when the child is 4 years old, it is the age that allows children to learn music.

Another opinion. Now that kindergarten starts taking children as early as the age of two, they should have been studying music since they were two and a half years old because they had gone to school. .

An example of a child growing up in the city. Children are more likely than children in rural areas. This is because of the disparity in educational opportunities. The parents' attention The economic preparation of parents Background of environmental readiness Professor at school Especially the music teacher who teaches rural children is little.

The area in the city. In addition to having better schools and music teachers than in rural areas.

Studied by Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998), he was a professor of Japanese music. Researchers and change the study of the world of music in a "Suzuki teaching method" has discovered a new way that
"children are children of the environment.What is the environment? The children will grow up like this.
study to discover that "How can children learn music?" The voice of the mother is the first teacher of the child, so if the mother sings I'm going to sing with you Even though mom is not the best singer in the world But my voice is the voice of heaven Where is the mother

Example of a child growing up in a house where parents and grandparents play Thai music.Children will hear music from an early age.A chance to discover the music and enjoy the music of the children. excel in the music is more than any other child Kids Listen to the music See the mus Live the instrument. The opportunities for children can be. "Not good but clever I do not know, but I had the habit of" because it was in the band

so. The children learn the music of the family from the parents by listening to the mother singing from birth. How do you sing? Or what a song is not important But the sound of the mother singing to the children. Be touched by love and affection. Children learn music by listening to their mother's music. From the first minute to the world. Baby listens to the mother's voice. The voice of the mother passes through the ear and through the follicles in the child all the time without realizing it. The mother is with the baby and the baby with the mother.

If the baby is at day care or the baby with the nanny. The child will grow up and have a mentor. I'm not sure if that's the case. I will sing after my mother. Because children learn by imitating the mother. The environment in which children grow up from childhood to adulthood plays an important role in the incubation of children.

Why Suphan speaks Suphan Perfect Everything is talked about. Because of the language Accent C is the environment of Suphan. I've heard the supernatural language since birth. Children can imitate and can speak the same language. Supan Suphan is a good example. Children have learned languages ​​since birth. By listening Even children can not speak. The important thing is.

If the child learns "mother tongue" from birth, the mother talks to her mother, teaches her to call her mother. I have to say a few times. A Thousand Times Before the child can say the word "mother" for the first 10 months, the child can hear the mother speak. Mother to the children to imitate. Until you can call your mother. The mother has to repeat very long 10-12 months until the child speaks for the first time.

Children's music lessons. Children learn by repeating. Listen and listen Children watch Because children learn by imitation methods directly from the mother. There is no better way to teach a mother to talk and to mother to teach music. Because the baby sucks the mother's milk. I learned everything from my mother.

Genius comes from the practice of skill, intelligence, intelligence is no longer a mystery.

The child was trained and repetitive, like playing music. Singing or playing Young Learned musical instruments until music becomes a partner of childhood Music is in the children's partnership. Children become musical geniuses.

Parents cultivate their children to learn music with love and commitment. I will grow up with love music. Do not forget that the voice of the mother is also music. Luminous music Get out of your own mind. "Clear sound" when the mother sings to the children. The heart of the mother is filled with love and affection. Mother sang with a brilliant voice. Because of the love of the mother. Love the baby with a clean heart.

From the cited example. You must learn music from birth. Children learn music even better. The opportunity to learn music from birth is even better.

If you grow up. Feel so slow Do not let your baby get tired anymore. I have to hurry to learn small but small music. Nothing is as good as learning to play the best music. Music is a skill that children must practice.

Parents can ask questions. Why do you have to study music …

Music is a partnership to create a good personality. The music will help develop a positive attitude for children. Music helps to develop the potential of children's excellence. With the conviction that. Powerful music helps eliminate pain during the day. Music helps heal wounds in the spirit. The music helps to propel a bad feeling out of the mind.

Music will propel the mind to do good things. The music will feel good. The music will be conscious. The music is very energetic. Creative Music C is the power in the mind. Music creates beauty in the mind. Music Music gives you fun at a lower cost. Music helps to make a good life. Inspiring Creative Music Hopes for the man In the temple church is a spiritual and spiritual place. The music was used as a song or a musical instrument in the church. To send the soul to paradise

parents deserve that children learn music since childhood. The smaller will be the better If you grow up, it is slower. Children's development is slow. Least Developed Countries Parents let the baby grow up. I did not learn anything. Parents do not understand that children do not learn anything. In fact, children will keep and remember knowledge. Including what is around the child. It's a knowledge of crime.

A country that has grown up Human resources are the most precious resource. Human resources are able to find other resources. Learn music from birth. Music is a partnership of life.

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