Home – IOT Development IOT develops an antihypertensive tensiometer develops an ion implantation system with microlife manometer


Today, technology is advancing rapidly and large corporations, including the public sector, are moving in the same direction. To adapt to changes A new one is happening. In particular, the technology "Internet of Things" (IoT), or the Internet, where all devices are interconnected, Gartner predicts that by 2020 there will be 26 billion additional devices. The world While the world's largest technology companies, CISCO, are expected to have more than 50,000 million iPhones by 2020.

IOT has been widely used since its inception. OTA in household equipment to industrial sectors such as agriculture. Using ioT technology as a sensor for measuring soil moisture and growing area, feed the data to display on a smartphone. The gardener will know all the information. Retail Trade The IETA is used to enhance the experience. Buy consumer goods through the feed data directly to the smartphone of the registered customer.

This includes medical devices that use IOTs for their equipment. Take patient to monitor the health problems that are needed. Must be closely monitored. The device sends a signal to the hospital and relatives in case of emergency.

Recently, Health Alliance Co., Ltd., as a health product selection and distribution company, has recognized the growing trend in health care. Thais and people from all over the world In addition to the ioT technology flow that has influenced many companies, IO has also launched the business. The goal is to contribute to improving the quality of life and health of people. By developing io with robots.

Miss Thanyachon Udomsup, Deputy Executive Director of Health Alliance Co., Ltd., revealed that the company has developed the technology. And the use of medical devices microlife, which is a smart blood pressure monitor that puts into operation the iodo system. He also cooperates with a complete stroke center. From King Chulalongkorn Hospital Memorial Chulalongkorn Stroke Center, Chulalongkorn Hospital and CT Asian Asian Robotics Co., Ltd. Thailand's first commercial robot named Pencil Mini In collaboration with the Chulalongkorn Hospital, the Chulalongkorn Stroke Center is dedicated to the treatment of stroke patients, while the CT Asia Asia Robotics Company is responsible for producing robots for mediation between instruments. Microlife pressure with Chulalongkorn hospital doctor

The microlife blood pressure monitor has the ability to check the risk of atrial fibrillation (Afi b, or AF), which is another cause of thrombosis, which can cause paralysis.The early detection of Afib can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

"The technological integration of the company.Combined with a full stroke center.Chulalongkorn Hospital and mini-pencil It connects the machine to the doctor.The pressure level.Heart frequency In the Patient's body And also the opportunity And the risk

At the present time, the general situation of the market of medical devices in Thailand continues to increase: during the years 2560, the growth rate increased by about 8% .With the previous year this year, it is expected to grow by 12%, representing the highest growth rate of the medical device market, with a value of About 11 billion Bt, thanks to the high level of health care and government support.To push the country into a medical device

while.The company has set the same growth targets as the medical device market It should grow by 12% in developing The latest is a microlife gauge to prevent risk factors for stroke. The disease is a disease that many Thais today. And cause Of the most important deaths

Prof. Dr. Nij Srisarn Narong Head of Neurology Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University and Dr. Vasan Akarnthivat, Neuroscientist, Neurology, Chulalongkorn Hospital. According to statistics, there are currently 300,000 stroke patients in Thailand each year, with 60,000 deaths a year, exceeding the cause of deaths from cancer and coronary heart disease.

Stroke Paresis is a condition in which the brain loses some of its function to stroke or acute stroke, resulting in abnormalities in the body. Frequent in the elderly. It is the leading cause of premature death among premature deaths and premature deaths in the country, and the number of deaths is increasing every year. People with certain diseases such as diabetes, smoking and not exercise. What is the protection? Regular examination of the body

This cooperation will facilitate the examination of the body more easily. Especially the use of a mini-pencil robot, which will take care of patients who can not help themselves. Or maybe there is no guardian. He can send information. Contact parents and doctors. At this time, the center of stroke. The Chulalongkorn Hospital has a total of 7 patients and will expand to other network hospitals.

The Health Alliance Co., Ltd. was established in 1991. Currently, there are three health care products: 1. Health Supplements and Alternatives. 3. Equipment to maintain and improve the quality of life. Thais can take care of their health. With a variety of health care products. Through the intermediary of the main dealers. Interested parties can view the information. www.samh.co.th

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