Hope letter & # 39; King & # 39; gets a cancer boy I was in the hospital.


The family "tears up the child & # 39; shed tears of gratitude & # 39; King & # 39; receives a 13 year old son with cancer – pulmonary infection I was in the hospital. After my 12 year old brother sent a letter to the king,

July 15, 61 of the Facebook user case "Ibroheem Aonboot" shared a picture of a boy. Sit down and paint your own brother who is suffering from cancer and lung infections. And draws his statue. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

with the intention of saying, "For the King, I am CH Eve Frances, 12 years old, I want the King. Helped my brother. My brother calls Rafa, my 13 year old brother has cancer and lung infections. I want my brother to get well and come back and play with me. I have a brother. Help me with that. Thank you. "

that the story has become interesting.And must share widely.With the comment of encouragement with the family."

Recently, reporters have traveled to inquire about the issue. story with Ibrahim Ong, a 35-year-old man from Klong Nam, Hat Yai, Songkhla, who is the post.The story And the brother of a child One said to me that my nephew, Rey Faid or her 13-year-old sister, Faith, was diagnosed with cancer and a lung infection, in fact, C is a diligent and neat child, but rather frightened by the doctor.

But at the end of In June, the Fabian said that the stomach pain, I have to go to the doctor at Hatyai Hospital.You can also walk normally.And when the doctor made a check.And the X-ray of base C is similar to the water in the lungs.It is necessary to check carefully Czech.With tunnel sweep The doctor is lying on his back, but he It is clear that the Faid is not sleeping. Hurts Lie on the side only. The doctor put a fan.

who detected a large piece of about 1 foot from the chest to the abdomen. It is located in the position that replaces many body organs. The doctor performed the first operation. It is not successful because the necrosis is related to the vital organs, especially the lungs and the heart. And the patient lost a lot of blood. The operation was interrupted. Before sending to treatment at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), which is now the kiddy. Always at the ICU.

Dr. Abraham also said that younger brother Eve Frances Fayid's younger brother. Have ideas that would like to paint. And write the story to the king of 10 to ask him to be merciful. And help your brother to recover normally, so open the image of the statue. From the king in the phone to see. Before Eves Frances finishes painting on June 13th. Then they brought the story to share via Facebook. Hope for miracles I must encourage people. And share a lot of stories

then. The next afternoon They put the painting in envelopes addressed to the Secretary General. Grand Palace And send to Hat Yai post office. To send him only one wish of life, but it seems that when they come back from the mail. At the Prince of Songkla Hospital found that all parents, children, Eve Fran younger and parents are in tears. Before you know it. The doctor was talking on the phone with the palace and the medical team, the story is known to the king. And get the kiddy case. I was in the hospital. And is transmitting the patient information. Everyone is grateful for the grace of God. And believe that.

Eve Fran said that at that time reflected. Only God can help. I have painted. And write to him, he has pity. And came to the help of his brother. When the King Knows I take a brother in a patient of the king. They feel intimidated and thank you for your kindness. The story makes them and the family feels happy. And I hope his brother has to survive. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Ibroheem (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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