Girl running from home. The train crashed in front of the clerk. Nervousness Having family problems Symptoms can be aggravated. The relatives tried to know for several hours. I find it's a funeral.
Yesterday (30 July) at 23:40 Police Suthipong Chantapan, Deputy Prime Minister (investigate) on the Prachachuen police station. The area in front of Wat Samian Naree, Chatuchak District, Bangkok, to investigate the accident. Police, forensics, police and volunteer staff.
Scene on the scene on the outskirts of the railway. From the front of Wat Samiannaree about 50 meters on the tracks, 141 trains run between Bangkok – Ubon Ratchathani. Stationed on the rail. Beside the train, we found the body of Mrs. Patcharin Klangchai, 36 years old, the body lying face down wearing a purple t-shirt. Jeans shorts The physical examination revealed broken wounds in the head.
As a result of the investigation, Mr. Boonpengdee, 37, a brother-in-law of a veteran, said the deceased was not working. And a neurological disease. I had a history of hospitalization at Srithanya Hospital for about two years, before the deaths with her husband and two children in the province. But there are arguments about family problems. The symptoms are nervous and nervous. Then went back to Bangkok, where in the last, the deceased did not take the drug repeatedly, causing a relapse. Before you miss. Parents have trouble finding many hours.
First, the agent will check video surveillance at the scene. We need to investigate witnesses on the scene. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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