Hot Japanese is the story! The death of 44 people in the hospital and 1,000 people.


The number of deaths in the heat wave in Japan has increased to 44 cases and many patients. While the temperature in some areas is skyrocketing, it's a story of …

Foreign news agencies reported on July 23 that the Japanese are still affected by heatwaves. The temperature in many parts of the country is rising. Until recently, at least 44 people have died since July 9th.

The Japan Meteorological Department reported that on Monday (23 July), the temperature in Tokyo remained at 38 degrees Celsius. The temperature reached 41.1 degrees Celsius, the highest in the history of the country. And higher than the average temperature of 12 degrees.

Department of Education. Predict Most regions of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu have temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, with Hokkaido being the only region in the country that is unaffected by heat waves. They also warned the country. The risk of illness due to heat is higher than normal. And drink plenty of water, stay away from the sunlight.

Since Japan entered the summer of this year. On July 22, the Tokyo Fire Department sent an ambulance to pick up about 3,125 patients. Since the year (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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