How to get rid of trans fat loss.


Thais Are Sick "Cardiovascular Diseases" Extracted From Exercise Suggestions

Prof. Dr. Jiradada Singarornrat, Lecturer in Chemistry Faculty of Science and Technology Thammasat University revealed this from the Government Gazette. Announcement of the Ministry of Public Health No. 388, 2018, "Trans fats" harmful to health. There are measures to ban production. Imported and sold within 180 days, so the business sector and the Thai food industry. It is necessary to adapt to an urgent cure. Help or find a solution to the manufacturer There are four steps to reduce the cost of the food production process: 1. Choose the oil extracted from the palm or coconut. It has the properties of extending the life of a food product similar to trans fats without rancidity. And low cost 2. Mix palm oil with other oils to adapt to trans fats. 3. Change by chemical techniques. Trans fat is not produced in the production process 4. Addition of gel to oil

Prof. Dr. Wisit Kawawit, Associate Professor, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (MM) As project leader of the Trans Fat Free Thailand project, Thailand has sought cooperation with oil producers. And the oil production formula. No hydrogen added to that. The law does not apply to the market. In fact, the fat that causes Thai people with cardiovascular disease is more saturated

. Teacher. Wanthanee Kriangsinyos President of the Nutrition and Dietetics Program The Institute for Nutrition says that the cause of cardiovascular disease is to eat too much fat. It is confirmed that chronic noncommunicable disease, including cardiovascular disease in Thailand, is caused by saturated fat intake of more than 10% of the total energy received each day.

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