Huawei, the latest New Zealand 5G aircraft at a crossroads, cites security risks


Huawei, the latest New Zealand 5G aircraft at a crossroads, cites security risks

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Government of New Zealand's last national track of Australia Rejecting Spark's request to use Huawei's 5G wireless network equipment for national security reasons

On November 28, 61 foreign news agencies reported. New Zealand government The latest in "crossover" between the use of telecommunications equipment on the Chinese Huawei 5 or 5G wireless telephone network due to concerns for national security. After the last August. The Australian government has decided to ban Huawei. Stock company 5G equipment development because of concerns related to these problems.

Reuters New Zealand Intelligence Agency Spark New Zealand, the country's largest mobile operator, has rejected the request. Applicants must use telecommunication equipment. Huawei's 5G system China's largest manufacturer of smartphones and telecommunications But New Zealand intelligence has rejected demand, saying it would pose a significant risk to national security.

Read the news: Huawei disappointed! Aussie to ban 5G devices

Sparkak New Zealand announced on November 28, 61 that the company would reconsider its logic before taking any further action. Andrew Little, Secretary of National Security and Intelligence New Zealand S Addressing reporters, Spark (New Zealand) could work with intelligence services to mitigate risks. But refuse to specify the details.

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