Hun Sen won the unelected election – the Canadian Ambassador highlights Cambodia in the party era.


Cambodian voters: 8.3 million Cambodian voters went to the polls nationwide on July 29, the latest in the Cambodian People 's Party (CPP). They have more than 80% of the vote, if that is true, the former Khmer Rouge military commander Hun Sen

This election has a political party to compete with the president. MPs are competing with CPP 19 party, but no major party and have enough to shake the throne of Prime Minister Hun Sen after the Cambodian nationalist party. (CNN) The main opposition, whose previous election in 2556 was defeated by the CPP. The Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the party. Last year, after arresting Gokshakak and sentencing him to jail for foreign conspiracy, he was ousted by the Gyeongsok government. The government aims to eliminate political enemies. The police were sent to the election booth. No sign of violence

Elections are not mandatory. But officials warned that any boycott or boycott of the elections would be perceived as treason and would be prosecuted, and two days ago the authorities closed down several independent media sites. Party leader, CNRP Asylum in foreign countries In the video clip posted on Facebook. Cambodian demand does not surrender to the threat of intimidation of Hun. [Cachetdelaposte|Highlight|Up|Down|Top|Back|Top|Back|Top|Back|Netherlands|C'estunjourdel'électioncambodgienneetc'estundébutd'unenouvelleèrederègleparunseulpartipolitiqueaditPhilRobertsonHumanRightsWatchdeHumanRightsWatchBeaucoupdeCambodgiensontfaitdespiedsetdesmainsLesterroristesetveulentsurvivreetdesnouvellesquelesEtats-Unisetl'EuropeanUnion(EU)No'envoientpasd'observateursélectorauxauCambodgeL'Alliancedupeuplecambodgienpourladémocratie(19659002)laCommissionélectoralecambodgienne(CHC)annonceralesrésultatspréliminairesdanslamêmenuitLesélectionsofficiellesserontannoncéesàlami-aoûtet60%des60%desélecteursdevraientpouvoirvoterauxélectionsde2013cequiaffecteralacrédibilitédelavictoireduPremierministreHunSenEnfin[19659004]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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