Hurts to the heart! The "bride's" parents deceived the deception of the "bridegroom" before leaving the marriage.


The Net & Bride and Thy Heart & # 39; would like to thank the guests for the wedding. The shadow of the groom. […] Posted on July 22, The bride was on stage to say thank you to the guests alone. Because the bride does not attend. Someone who has come to watch some of the tears does not exist. Some people even admire his strength in the midst of the sadness left by his lover. (Read all news Click here)

Facebook Fan Page I like to arrange. return has published information relating to the groom – the bride, including parents and those involved in the incident. Can briefly

– The bride and groom have the same tradition.
– The bride called the dowry 200,000 baht and 6 baht gold, totaling 400,000 baht.
– Bride and Groom for Pre-Marriage
– Before the wedding, the groom came to the groom
– The groom confirmed that the marriage was the same. That's it The dowry has not yet.
– On July 22, 61 parents volunteered to speak. But the fiancé told me that there was only 60,000 baht for gold, only 4 baht, the bride said that it's okay to leave 140,000 baht
– at 19:00 the same day. The bride did not contact the groom. I do not know if it's the same thing.
– 23:00, the groom contacted the groom. And to confirm that the bride at home at 5:00 with her mother
– a good citizen.
– At the wedding day Jul 23, 61 The parents of the bride decide to wait until the priest venerates like a house.
– Parents of the Bride The groom's parent is a similar face, so ask to be married first instead of losing face.
– The bride of the groom called 1 million baht, said to hire only 1200 baht, and also posted in Face. I do not want to force people to get married. And it's a toy? [1 message] Previous topic | Next Topic Author Message
And do not bother me
– The bride is on file to pursue. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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