I am very excited to post a picture of the ultrasound 5 months ago.


I panic when the onion, sagittal posture, ultrasound image. It's like preparing a new mom for the next few months. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Link to Message – Top of Page IP: Connected Reveals abdominal ultrasound images. The child is clear.

"5 months ago, Ch. Protect., Near to see the face. # Help with pets @ hs_sunhorm.club @welovetonhorm 555 # For those of you who have not no Google search, please. "

But do not panic because the picture of the baby ultrasound is the granddaughter of spring. This is the story told to prepare to adopt a nephew. It's not really pregnant with Sun Pop fans, but somehow

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