I can not speak! UG Kim Ki FABRAGS saw the fall of the world.


The former star of the Spanish national team to get up. I know the news that the Bull. The 2018 World Championship has been stopped.

The international news agency reported on July 2 that Cesc Fabregas, the former midfielder of the 2010 World Series of the Spanish national team. I can not talk. After seeing the home team beat the 2018 World Cup to bruise

. Defeat the hosts in 3-4 in 90 minutes to tie 1-1 to stop the road to win the world championship. Only the last round 16 teams.

After the match. The 31-year-old midfielder, who missed the national camp during the campaign, said: "I can not say it.I think the game today is different. Spain did better, but the Russians have already promised that they wanted to inflict the penalty, and it was worth it for them. "

for the Spanish national team. It's one of the favorites to register for the 2018 World Cup in advance, after Germany, Argentina and Portugal have fallen into disrepair. disgrace.

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