I doubt that it lasts a long time. Hard work criticized the coaches. And children cave the capital. Including staff. I went out saying that no credit to a British diver who found 13 lives near the cave. The first
the most famous heroine. I have posted many messages posted by Strut posted messages with the message "Seal risk of death do not say the keyboard sitting at home. Introduce yourself!
with caption" Do better than always say !!! ! # The love of unity over the past 12 days caused by all actions !!! People do not talk …. # All the way # Children are not out yet # Really worried # There is a lot of work to be done. # The first part of the discussion. # Who agrees with the comment! "
Then paint it." Aliens come to help. Do not see anyone blaming the child. Bow Do not say much The world is happy to cry to the surviving child …. It should be like that …. but the house. What is the best way to do this?
"I do not speak much, I do not speak very simple, the coaches do not think that he can take care of children.Survive in 10 days !!
" The risk of death seal does not say that … strangers do not say interview ",
who has a follower to agree with the words. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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