I do not drink while drunk, but I have a taxi.


Ms. Suthep Thaugsuban takes a taxi after the accident, because the other party is suddenly back on the street. Take a baseball car to strangle the car. The black man is a place of cards entertainment.

At 5 pm on July 19, Supakorn Thipila (Deputy Prime Minister) investigated the Thonglor Police Station. At the mouth of Soi Ekkamai 6, Klongton Nua, Watthana district to check.

. Toyota Model Altis Yellow Green Registration 5432 Bangkok Mr. Rangsan Iwak is the driver. The left rear bumper is out of the panel. Away from the model 7788 Surat Thani Black Civic Coupé sedan has a 24 year old Benjamin Suan, a driver on the left rail sank and collapsed.

The investigation witnessed the witness. The event provided that. Before the accident, taxi drivers travel from Ekkamai to Phetchaburi Road. When it comes to the scene at the car suddenly. The car driving in the lane is usually braked.

The agent found this. The car is driven by the normal way. The taxi suddenly receded, causing the car crash. Injury brought Camillien

M. Benjamin will wait for the other guests to be interviewed. Revealed by phone Right now they are driving with a girlfriend. Title of the nut On the stage of Ekkamai 6, the taxi was back in the middle of the road, causing the accident of his car in a taxi. I went down to the taxi why this car. The taxi goes down again to curse why not stop the car. They think that the return of the road, it's wrong, then they are angry and use a baseball bat to hit the taxi.

Then there is a map of where I do not know. Wear black clothes The waitress said that it was a card of the opposite entertainment. If you see the page again, we'll remember

. I do not know what to say, but I do not know what to say. But this can not be specified.

Whether Mr. Suthep Thaugsuran already knows it? Mr. Benjamin said that he did not know it. The doctor told me that the foot injury, swelling, swelling, nose, broken with a crack on the face.

While police officer Thonglor informed that the police would be sent to the CCTV surveillance zone. To find a clear incident The area is divided into responsibility. The road will be in charge of Thonglor, but if it is at Soi Ekkamai, this will be the area of ​​responsibility. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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